got Jane to the doc…

…yesterday. I tell you, a really good chiropractor is worth his weight in gold. She went down there with numb spots and serious pain and stiffness, and came back in much, much better shape, so that I feared she was going to take to shoveling and rototilling...

So what does Jane do?

She buys 3 more azaleas, with two not yet planted. And it’s known what I plant dies, so she wants to do it. We’re idiots. But she wants rhodies and azaleas so badly, and we now know what’s happened with the defunct ones. Turns out our water is...

Jane threw her back out…

I think it’s the shoveling and raking: but she is in acute misery. A day on muscle relaxant, and she’s still having spasms—something about planting: a dogwood, a magnolia, 2 rhododendrons, an azalea, pulling weeds from the entire garden path (about...

Lost cell phones

No, not ours. For once we are innocent. Recall that our friend and skating coach Joan had had an accident at a company dance—in which a woman in stiletto heels crunched Joan’s foot and gave her a ‘stress’ fracture on the outside of her foot....

If you want to see pix of the yard work…

Jane’s got them—link to her site (The Captain And Lime) on the left sidebar. You can see the sterling plumbing job done by the guy who installed the sprinklers (it deserves to be on the Kludge Lol site)—and the pile I’m having to move because...

What else can happen? The pond caught fire…

…well, the UV filter did. It’s a long UV bulb that fits in a slot in the skimmer, and I’d changed the bulb a week ago and had it running. We’ve had a lot of algae, which means cleaning the filter every 3 hours or so, so we’d left the...

everybody in Oklahoma—are you ok?

Scary stuff. A Love’s station we used to visit got hit. Various places we’re real familiar with are on the news. People in hospital, etc. Tulrose said she was battening down. Norman, Oklahoma’s lost water, due to damage at Lake Thunderbird, and...

Feeling much better today…

I’ve got to go out there in the back and figure out why our UV filter light is blinking on and off, whether it’s badly seated or its the ballast. And I’ve got to haul out the pond vac again and get the algae out. Sigh. Yesterday no matter what I did,...

Neither Jane nor I can move, we're so sore…

She was on muscle relaxant yesterday and slept nearly 12 hours; I got out and attempted—well, DID move the two trash bins that she’d filled, killing her back; I exhausted myself getting them to the curb, and I threw MY back out. She slept all day. Got up...

Neither Jane nor I can move, we’re so sore…

She was on muscle relaxant yesterday and slept nearly 12 hours; I got out and attempted—well, DID move the two trash bins that she’d filled, killing her back; I exhausted myself getting them to the curb, and I threw MY back out. She slept all day. Got up...

Thank you.

You know who you are. Thank you for buying books, making donations, and supporting us in so many ways. We appreciate it very, very much. The software on Closed Circle doesn’t let us say it individually, but thank you ever so much. Your messages of encouragement...