At 20 pages, the outline is nearly complete: next phase…

Is to go through and slice out bits and put them where they need to be. This is the 52-card-pickup phase. Young writers are frequently stunned to know that WHEN things happen is not really the plot. The plot is why things happen. And you can actually move events...

Fashion in footwear…and broken ankles. Or necks. Yep, hotel stairs, uneven tiles, you name it. Teens, perpetually curious and anxious to be ‘in’, will try it…some of them novices to high heels. Sigh. I routinely balance on...

Ventilating the kitchen…

We have a low attic. Neither of us is up to shinnying up through the access in the top of a closet and ploughing through the insulation and dust to cut a hole in the kitchen ceiling. We have a fan up there, which doesn’t do much of a job. And broiling requires...

Received information on memorial gifts for Azureblu

Her favorite charity was anything to do with kids’ cancer charities—google that phrase will get you a selection if you would like to make a donation in her name, for which I think Azureblu is sufficient, respecting how she chose to be known here. The...

Another classic sf writer to catch, if you haven't: MZB

Marion Zimmer Bradley was one of a kind. She and I met on Hugo Awards night in KC, my very first convention. I was so mundane I’d brought Sunday best and high heels for my only attire, especially since I’d heard the award banquet was going to be tux and...

Another classic sf writer to catch, if you haven’t: MZB

Marion Zimmer Bradley was one of a kind. She and I met on Hugo Awards night in KC, my very first convention. I was so mundane I’d brought Sunday best and high heels for my only attire, especially since I’d heard the award banquet was going to be tux and...