92000 words. And the power unit on my computer…'sploded.

Well, not quite, but it quit and then got very hot. I use a Dell. If you recall the viral internet pic of the Japanese businesssman recoiling in horror from a burning computer, you may remember that Dell and several other computers were getting batteries from, I...

92000 words. And the power unit on my computer…’sploded.

Well, not quite, but it quit and then got very hot. I use a Dell. If you recall the viral internet pic of the Japanese businesssman recoiling in horror from a burning computer, you may remember that Dell and several other computers were getting batteries from, I...

no writing done today: the office reached critical mass…

It had become a Rubik’s Cube problem. Move the wastebasket to move the box of sortables to move the chair to reach the stack… It’s a very small office for 2 people and their business records. It’s become complicated by computer bits and bobs,...

88498 words. It's a beautiful day…

We’ve discovered the pond area is a good 10  degrees cooler than the front yard. Amazing. Jane had bought a bunch of sale plants from Wayside Gardens end-of-season sale. They arrived looking pretty sad, but should perk up a bit with sunlight and TLC. Hostas,...

88498 words. It’s a beautiful day…

We’ve discovered the pond area is a good 10  degrees cooler than the front yard. Amazing. Jane had bought a bunch of sale plants from Wayside Gardens end-of-season sale. They arrived looking pretty sad, but should perk up a bit with sunlight and TLC. Hostas,...