Sometimes the opener works and sometimes it doesn’t, and that’s a real heavy doublewide door. We can raise it. But not safely while standing on ice.

So…I canceled my third try at replacing my broken working glasses (I’m using some 10 year old driving glasses…) and Jane and I tried to get the opener fixed (we may have) and to melt a 4″ deep ice cap on our back walk—when you get to where you’re using your figure skating skills to reach the garage…time to do something. She found the ice melter she’s sworn we had; it had become a brick, but we hacked enough loose to spread on the walk and it does seem to be doing something. We’ll see. Meanwhile I’d had to fetch the ladder we had on the patio to deal with the canopy to the garage to deal with the garage door mechanism, and we may have gotten it straightened out. We were going to go out for the dinner we didn’t have on Valentine’s because of the crowds and weather, and didn’t: ordered pizza and Advil.

One of these days soon i’m going to have glasses and a dinner.

I took the garbage out and it was hailing.

I figured I owed Jane this after trying to rescue the spider that was letting itself down onto her head from her ceiling fan above the desk. I was just going to move the creature, which ended up letting go and dropping onto Jane…

Sigh. I keep trying to do good deeds…