Lost the phone…really lost it.

I have no idea, except this purse sometimes dumps the phone compartment — zipper’s a bit too wide. So I think it’s toast. Fell out somewhere. Dead. The good news is—it’s a 30.00 phone. The bad news is…well, I had to deal with the...

The car goes in for a check…

I get to sit in the waiting room. Fun…not so much. It’s been nearly a year since we bought it. 2000 miles we’ve put on it. And we’re getting about 45 mpg on the highway and more than 50-something in town. We were filling the Forester’s 15...

Jane's computer 'sploded last night…

The solid state drive on her HP laptop went flooey—the machine overheats, chronically, and it went. This is Not A Good Time for various reasons. I think overheating and solid state drives are not a friendly situation. Don’t know what we’re going to...

Jane’s computer ‘sploded last night…

The solid state drive on her HP laptop went flooey—the machine overheats, chronically, and it went. This is Not A Good Time for various reasons. I think overheating and solid state drives are not a friendly situation. Don’t know what we’re going to...

Got my contacts: glasses have to wait…

…until my eyes ‘settle.’ I’ve been wearing a slightly wrong prescription for reading for over half a year. This has an effect: eyes and brain are real good at doing a ‘Hubble Telescope’ type correction, and they have to learn that...

I hate having my eyes dilated…

Pita. It’s at least a cloudy day. But the stuff is not readily wearing off! But I did get the exam, regular doc in her new clinic, and I’m much happier. Going for the usual reading glasses with contacts, driving glasses if the contacts alone won’t do...

We set the kittehs outside…in their playpen…

…reviews were mixed. Seishi, who will dart a door and race madly away, escaping under the gate with no idea where he’s going…[dimbulb].. and Shu, who will ooze out a door and roll on the sunwarmed pavement… both sat there in the fairly large...