Ah, the season of long light…

June. When it’s light from 5 am til 9 pm, and everybody is insomniac… We live more attuned to the outdoors up here in the PNW than we did in Oklahoma, for one thing: we live a lot in the garden, but, y’know, it’s hard to go to bed when the sun...

Ah, the eye appointment.

I decided to go to the WalMart clinic as close and convenient, after my docs set up their own clinic. Appt at 930 am. I arrive on time. Fill out new paperwork. Take the tests, etc, etc. Talk to VERY young new person doing tests. Sit in the exam room. sit. Sit. Sit....

Got the vision appointment.

930 AM Going to try contacts again, or at least a monofit. I hope it’ll work. I really don’t like glasses. I’m thinking about going for daily wear, to avoid some of the problems I’ve had in the past. IF I can get a monofit, so both eyes...

Making good progress on the book…

I need to. Todd’s working on the cover, and I need to finish this by the 20th of June. I think I can. Typically when I get to a near-finished stage I do a ‘rolling rewrite’, in which I go back to the start and fill in all the detail, check...