We’re forecast to get into the 30’s, and it hasn’t gotten much above 50 this afternoon. They promise us rain, but I have yet to see more than a few stray-sheep clouds.

The longterm forecast is saying we’re entering an El Nino pattern, which will (usually) mean a rainy but temperate winter. And we just bought a snowblower last year! (But we wouldn’t have survived without it. Jane did most of the shoveling, and she was getting exhausted.) So I suppose we could do with a moderate winter, but I do want some snow.

We’re bringing our houseplants in today, so as not to have a major rush when the deep cold hits. We’re going to need to pick up some cedar mulch, and figure out when to trim the roses. In my experience, however, you’re not going to have a day in the high 80’s once you’ve had a night in the low 30’s, not unless the weather goes quite nuts.