The hard drive crashed. Bigtime. No warning.

The good news is—Carbonite. I’ve pulled the critical file down off the cloud and have put it on laptop #2. We are running. They promise me a new drive by Tuesday. Dell diagnosed over chat, on another computer, while I read off instructions and Jane pushed...

We are FINALLY seeing light at the end of the tunnel…

and it’s not the 5:10 train. We have just about finished the window trim and are beginning to move furniture from where it has been piled (in any large empty space in the house—scratch that: any place void of furniture. We have, since November blackout,...

Jewelry…lack of,—for some years; now repaired.

We’re rough on jewelry. Admittedly. We don’t lose rings by taking them off. We damage them by wearing them while running a tiller, etc, or by just having the loop wear as a chain slides through. After nearly six years Jane and I treated ourselves to some...

Worked ourselves to exhaustion: I cooked a special dinner…

And just as we sat down, we saw a huge puddle coming from under the entertainment unit, emanating from the freshwater fish tank in the corner, and soaking our new living room floor. We mopped, we moved things, we fixed stuff, we swore in ways Bet Yeager would approve,...

The windows are in—not all trimmed, but in, in one day.

Gorgeous, but there were some communication breakdowns re what they were going to do and how much time we had to do it…which meant that we expected the front of the house on one day, the back of the house on the next, which they didn’t—so we had to...

Stuff about the Universe…and Victoriana

Been having a binge watching of How the Universe Works, and lately Secrets of the Universe, which has some new stuff—on cosmology: estimates of universe age I’ve seen range from 13.7 billion to 13.8. But size… size is something else, because...

Window installation—and not Win10.

Our windows (in our near 70 year old house: it’s actually built in 54, so it’s 62 or 63) need replacing. This is being done. They’re here. They’re on the truck—but one of the installers loading the big one on evidently must’ve saved...

Audible has answered and worked a fix:

“Dear C.J. I am very sorry for the inconvenience that this has caused you and your fans. After contacting our production team, they were made aware of the error and added the corrected file to the site. Your fans experiencing the errors can certainly remove the...