Just sent the revisions on Tracker in…

People don’t realize how much Jane is involved in the writing of these books. In this case she dropped her own writing, parked herself in a chair, and 48 hours later, including taking the book to bed, she handed me a brilliantly-done critique, with line notes...

Mmm—daylight savings time.

My clock says 8:50 and my computer says 7:55. D’ya think? I don’t think the DST change can account for the five minutes. 😉 I really don’t mind it at all. Up here in the northern latitudes, with greatly diminished daylight, it gets to where, by winter...

For the first time, not a single Trick or Treater…

Kinda sad. It was chill, spitting rain. Most of the ones we ever got were little tykes with parents, and the occasional shy batch of early teens. Nada last night. The local churches put on a show for the little ones. Spokane is getting to where adults have taken over...