The overflowing catbox blues…

…got sung at us before I started work this morning. We have very patient kitties. That got handled. Editing is reaching uncharted territory and into unwritten territory. That means things go more slowly, with pauses for thought. I wish I could go out and sit by...

Things that work: stone wave steamer This little gem: first cook rice, noodles, couscous, etc in another pot. Then half fill the Stone Wave pot with pre-cooked meat of any sort. Add 1 heaping tablespoon sauce or salad dressing of any...

Back at work…

When you read aloud, you find things, you make connections, and find problems…which is what we were doing on the road, literally, while driving. Us being on the road is always us hard at work, because nothing else seems to bring us out of ‘writing’...

Nice evening…

We did a little gaming with friends, who offered us a nice (and diet-friendly) supper…fun, but I’ve got to do something about my guy’s armor… And I’ve already dropped about half the gain from the splurge on the trip. That fast. I’m...


I worked a bit, then fell over for about an hour and a half—the weather out there is nasty. But thanks to Tim and Cheryl, local heroes, the pond and garden and fish tanks not only survived, but fared pretty well. Ponds and tanks have an ok/not-ok cycle, and...

Home again!

We don’t like to broadcast our absences on the internet (for sensible reasons!)— But we’re just in from a 5000-6000 mile trip. We headed down to OKC to see my brother, who was going off to Libertycon the next weekend, as we were going to Soonercon,...