Trying Dragon speech recognition.

I debated for a long time whether or not I could use Dragon speech recognition. I tried it once back in the 70s or 80s and it was awful. You had to talk like a robot to make it understand you. I also hate their run-on commercials. But I also know that using your hands...

The dreaded closet cleanout.

Two shirts from the 70’s that I’m determined to wear again. Belts from the 70’s that are still cool. Enough black con tees to equip a regiment. A pirate coat and shirt and boots… A 1960’s velvet shirt that—oh, dear, I’m not...

Jane got the scene done.

I’m down to the last on the contract-scanning. Still fighting the weight a little. Don’t know where that pound came back from — but it’s gotta go. Doing all right the 3rd day after the header I took…pretty stiff, but Ibuprofen handles...

Jane lost, we think, a sector pointer…

She’s finishing a novel—a critical scene—and we usually leave the word processors up when playing games. We were playing Guild Wars last evening. So…well, likely that has nothing to do with it. Word Perfect has its screwy notions. At any rate,...

Now and again I surprise myself…[recipe.]

I’m one of those cooks who looks at cookbooks to get an inspiration, but who never FOLLOWS a recipe — haven’t since I was 10. Gran cooked measuring by ‘handfuls’ and ‘pinches’ and so do I. So, generally, did Mom. But—I...

Dear me, a new time synk!

Jane and I had a ton ‘o fun last night—started after supper and went to 12 midnight. Guild Wars 2. We really haven’t had so much fun since Might and Magic 4. The problems with most games are: bad art; bad maps; not-ready-for-prime-time glitches; and...