let’s talk about this wiki thing…

It boils down to “really good idea”—but I haven’t the time or the braincells to spare to run the thing. I’d have to learn php, apparently, for which I have zip aptitude: it took me a while to learn basic html, and that’s in English....

I have a brilliant idea…let's create a notebook…

…for certain series, like Foreigner. It’s a shame to let the stuff scroll off into oblivion. If I use my amazing admin powers to snatch up comments, edit them for brevity and organize them into an ongoing Foreigner Guidebook, then it become a resource that...

I have a brilliant idea…let’s create a notebook…

…for certain series, like Foreigner. It’s a shame to let the stuff scroll off into oblivion. If I use my amazing admin powers to snatch up comments, edit them for brevity and organize them into an ongoing Foreigner Guidebook, then it become a resource that...

Stephen Goldin doing an interview: data follows

FROM STEPHEN GOLDIN: My wife (Mary Mason) and I are being interviewed Tuesday, June 15 on an Internet broadcast beginning at 5 pm Mountain Time by DJ/interviewer Mason Ramsey, who’s a BIG fan of my book The Eternity Brigade. The topics will be science fiction and...

A tail of two fishes…

We had told ourselves that we were going to get two of the ‘higher-bred’ fishes from our new pond supply place—we’d gotten our first koi, expecting that we’d lose some to infant mortality, by buying a random batch from a feed...

Jane went to the doctor…

…the endocrinologist. She’s going to feel better soon. She’s got a prescription for more meds. It’s STILL raining. We’re still working with Savio to get that UV light replaced, so I’ve set up a pot filter to handle the algae and...

An old friend at Miscon…sf writer John Dalmas…

Missed telling you this, in the confusion of Jane coming back sick. John Dalmas is an old neighbor of ours from Spokane. He’s been a logger (has fantastic stories to tell you about exploding trees) and a writer, has struggled with hearing loss, and the craziness...

A sunny day.

People are pointing at the sky and asking what that object is. It’s still supposed to rain…but the sun is out. I got Jane to the chiropractor Monday, —our favorite latte stand had a new employee who had to be told to put a hot-holder on the cups; and...

Bye-bye el nino, hello la nina—

according to the weather bureau. It’s raining again, and looks to rain all week. I just cleaned the pond filter yet again—the hyacinth isn’t growing, because we’re in perpetual overcast (with small intermissions)…so I built a pot filter....

Doing somewhat better than expected

I’m not a great believer in ‘cold-prevention’ potions like Emergen-C and Airborne, but what could I lose? I wrapped my throat in elegant-looking Bengay pain patch bandage, took the Emergen-C and dosed myself with sake, and the sore throat has...

how to waste time

Really wicked links follow: it’s easier to put them in a comment than get the fancy-shmancy link button to work in the regular post.

Rain, rain and more rain…

It’s a case of animals starting to pair up in Spokane. If anybody’s building an ark, I have yet to hear it, but we’re more than soggy. I don’t think I’ve seen such a spate of rainy weather since we’ve been here. And our stripped...