I bought this laptop early to avoid Win 10.
Today when I opened it, it started the upgrade process with no way to back out. I was furious.

I have since learned a) there is a way back and b) there is a lawsuit possible over the way this has been handled. Apparently MS made an alteration in the splash screen for the ‘free upgrade’ that gives you a choice of ‘now’ or ‘later’ and if you check EITHER instead of just x-ing out of the screen, it will load, either then, or at next use.

Lovely. I’m not the only one this has happened to.
There is a recovery, so long as you ‘revert’ it

    within a month

and probably easier if you don’t make a whole load of new files beforehand.
The procedure: be SURE you know any Win 7 password if you have one—and then go to:
The windows icon that subs for the start menu. Punch that.
Punch ‘Settings’.
Punch ‘Update & Recovery’.
From there, you get the option to roll the system back to Win 7, and oh, frabjous joy! the assurance that if at any time in the future you develop a longing for 10, you can roll it over to that with no fuss. In other words, congrats, your machine now has 2 versions of Windows on it, but at least it is running.
If you have Logitech Gaming as part of your system under 10, you will come away missing the dll file lcore.dll or something like, but that’s not a problem, or if it is you can easily get the missing dll from Logitech or a dozen other places on the interwebz.

Just sayin’. This was not how I planned to spend an entire evening, but if this happens to you, now you know how to get Win 7 back.