We live on an arterial, a major road. And just as we’d gotten all dressed to go, a woman ran out of gas, on a low tire, right at our driveway. So we got her tucked into our driveway (with the help of two guys on the street) and gave her a place to put her car, which has a lot of problems, including a tire barely inflated. She said a person up the block has a check, ergo money, and somehow this is supposed to average out to her getting gas into the car and getting it moving—

I feel sorry for her, but this is a biggish city, and she’s not a neighbor, and we feel bad about not inviting her in, and taking care of her car, and all that, but it’s just too dangerous and the story is too weird. There’s a place we know in the direction she pointed as owing her a ‘check’ (which she was coming FROM, on that one-way street, not going toward) namely, right at the corner of the second street up, a house that for several years has been the subject of nearly nightly police attention, for fights, domestic violence, car theft, and various other complaints, so that did not increase our confidence in the story.

So we called our friends and said we’re not going to make it to the party. I’m sure there’s an entire novel buried somewhere in the story of why there’s a check owed in the wrong direction on the road and why she’s driving around in cold weather with no coat in the car, but so much of this just reads ‘wrong’ I’m not anxious to leave the place.