I’m down to the last on the contract-scanning.

Still fighting the weight a little. Don’t know where that pound came back from — but it’s gotta go.

Doing all right the 3rd day after the header I took…pretty stiff, but Ibuprofen handles that. Something about the life we live means we have good bones. Used to stress and falls. My doc lectures me about Vitamin D. I need to be better about that.

I’ve decided the only way we get our vitamins on schedule is if I serve them up at dinner. And I usually put them in sake cups. But those never get turned back to the dishwasher, so they stay lost when I need them. I’m going to get a gross of those tiny paper cuplets, about the side of a quarter, that you serve such things in. And if we lose them, la! no problem. That’s what paper cups are for.