Not servings. Dinners.

Dinner a, lovingly prepared—elaborate cheeseburgers. The ground beef was slightly ‘off’—too long in the fridge. I gathered up both plates and tossed both.

Then the fast route: taco chicken packet with a side of riced cauliflower and sweetpotato, stove for one, microwave for the other. Only THIS packet with no warning changed its recipe and was half onions. Jane and I are both allergic. Out it goes, and the side, now done, with it. What’s the use of cauliflower, when I’ve nothing to serve with it. As a meal on its own, meh.

So…last resort. Toss some jalapenos in a bowl, canned chili atop that, sharp cheddar, then microwave til melt, add sour cream.

Food. At last, food. Every skillet I own is in the sink, plus a saucepan, and it took, besides, five bowls, two plates, and a great deal of determination.

I think I need to go to the grocery store.