We have ton-o’ new plants. Of course.

Jane worked outside from dawn to dusk, and I popped out now and again to assist, but I couldn’t take that icy wind. She came back in after building 50′ of sidewalk (40′ to go) base (it will be gravel, lined with basalt and rimmed in places with retention slabs) and after yesterday wrestling yucca out of the ground. Did you know yucca produces a bushel basket of roots surrounding the central core? In-cred-ible.

We have about a dozen yucca plants. We have buckets full of yucca root bits, each about the size of a middling-sized potato. They’re amazing. And I’m beginning to agree with Jane: the last 4 plants, between two giant hemlocks, can stay there forever; we’re going to bury the rest of the roots with them, and water the mess, and that’s that. It by all evidence will tunnel to the surface and make more yuccas. It would take a bulldozer or at least a bobcat to definitively get rid of it, so we are turning it into a Feature. It’s been surviving, and leaching the water out of the whole bank. I don’t know what it will do if properly watered—scary thought. On the other hand, it’s a desert plant—and may die with too much water.

Jane picked up her longed-for dogwood today, a nice tree, head-high and ready to bloom. She has wanted a dogwood forever. And it will have pride of place beside the dry pond and water feature. Yesterday she got an amazingly inexpensive espaliered apple tree, with a different variety of apple on every branch. That will provide a ‘feature’ for the blank endwall of the garage, so it will look good from that angle, too.

She has pictures—but they aren’t up yet. She went to ‘lie down for a while’ at 7, covered in pain-patches, wind-burned ruddy pink across her face, and unable even to wield a fork with any force in her hands—she had to call for a knife, in order to eat a pretty badly cooked supper, my fault, and two hours after going to ‘lie down’, hasn’t stirred. I’ve been trying to get the house in order, and at least it looks better—and I feel guilty as can be for not being out there digging with her, but I can’t take that cold wind.

Our objective: it takes 800.00 a year to have that lawn mowed, and several hundred more to water the lawn. It will take under 1000 to strip it of grass and install mulch, rocks, and plants, for much less watering. Over the next 10 years, it will save us about a thousand a year not having a lawn. Which we don’t like anyway.

But Jane’s got to get some rest. And I don’t know how to help out there. She’s a much better gardener than I am: her stuff lives. And her set-stones stay set. I carry things when I spot something to carry. But I’m getting concerned about her hands, which are not up to this; and about general fatigue. We’ve both hauled 20-30 lb basalt rocks, about 2 loads a day; and we’re just fried.