The spring bloom has happened, and in our rock garden, they are alien invaders. I was feeling better today—still not real great with leaning over, but we have to get them. I think I contributed a bushel basket to the Green can and they will become city compost.

Without shedding seed.

It’s continuing to warm. I’m trying a new allergy pill and it’s solved the ear problem, mostly, but contributes its own over-medicated fog. It’s xyzal, and it’s potent. I took a full pill the first time at 3pm, and didn’t recover for 24 hours. But the ear was better. I took a half pill last night, it’s 4pm and I’m just about to come out from under the fog.
I’m going to try no-pill tonight and see if I can get both the ear and the fuzziness solved at once, eh?