We really, really want some of the larger, more fragile mums for the Japanese-garden pondside, and I have searched the web for spider mum or football mum *plants,* to no avail.

What I did find was the way to propagate them from a bouquet. It’s really pretty simple. Get a watertight container and some sand. Fill container. Take longstemmed mum from bouquet and snip off the cut end, just to ‘freshen’ it, then cut off the flower, leaving about eight inches of stem and leaving 2-3 leaves on the stem as well. Prepare a mix of Green Light Root Stimulant. Take a pencil or chopstick, make a hole in the sand, insert your 8″ stem into the hole, then saturate (do not overflow) the sand with Root Stimulant water mix. Place in good semi-sun area, and cross your fingers.

You can float the flowers in a dish, to enjoy them.

This is the same method you use propagating a tree or bush: willows particularly take to this. And I would not be surprised if it wouldn’t work on most anything that has a jointed or segmented stem: the new growth at the joints can manifest as either roots or new branches/leaves, depending on its situation, and is probably driven by the water-movement plants do. So far our sprigs’ leaves are crisp and healthy-seeming. So far  so good.