I’ve spent the last few days outlining to the end (after remembering what the end is, and relocating it); and simultaneously recovering the blown-up 72 generation, 40,000 person genealogy file, bit by painful bit…

It’s funny. So much of the database work (genealogy) is just a matter of waiting for the db to wake up, then installing punctuation, all of it virtually hindbrain work, that I can actually do that and do some thinking, and all of a sudden pieces of the story were coming to me, even in the middle of parsing Welsh names…go figure.

It’s turned suddenly cold. OSG had a big flowerpot broken by a storm wind: I heard the weather warning and we ran out and battened down the patio set, put the fragiles into the house, and waited for the wind. We have gotten a little rain, which is a relief to the soul…I hate dry weather with a passion.

Lynn is back from DragonCon, and we should get a fix on that red type problem soon. Once I have some correspondence between my editing and my display in CC, I can seriously begin to put things together. Jane’s got several slide shows up, and in general it’s been a pretty productive weekend.

I think we’re making the turn into fall, now. The water temperature got to 58 last night and only made 62 today. We’re soon going to have to start feeding the koi only every three days. “Even though they’re babies?” Jane asks plaintively. That’s the way I understand we need to do, to be sure they don’t get a massive bellyache. But it’s supposed to warm next week, and we’ll just feed carefully, and stick to the wheat germ food, no more crustacean treats.