And before Philcon.
I’ve found a recipe for coconut flour naan, and either it’s going to be bloody awful, or it’s going to help. If there’s one sin we both love it’s bread—and this recipe actually looks like it MIGHT be good. If it’s good, I may be able to convert it to other recipes.

Breakfast is the easiest meal for me myself, as I could eat bacon and eggs every meal for months and be happy, but even bacon and eggs for breakfast wears on Jane real fast. If we’re on strict Atkins, she personally (this is not saying for everybody) doesn’t suffer from cholesterol: long as she doesn’t do high carb, but eats proteins, she stays down. Me, I can eat most anything and remain immune. But—this has the promise of alternatives. I mean, even if it turns out coconut-flavored, I can cope with that.

Lunch and supper—well, we’re doing fairly ok for lunch in a mostly-lettuce chicken wrap…and supper is easy with most any meat and some cruciferous veggies or the like. But one thing we both know—there’s a time when the harm done by too much weight exceeds the harm of a pretty strict diet, and its inconvenience as well.

So tonight and tomorrow night, a little fling with chicken curry, but after that, we’re getting serious. I’ll let you know how this turns out and if the recipe’s any good. It’s scarily like cooking with coconut flour, coconut oil, and Metamucil, but (glug) if it turns out bread—it’s all good.