My new glasses are ready. I might go pick them up, if the eye stays as quiet as it is, but I can still tell it’s not happy, so it may not stay quiet all day. I’ve had compresses on the eyes every hour or so all day yesterday, and it’s helping—which is a good thing. Jane says the swelling is going down.

I was at least able to do a little work yesterday, and catch up on some sleep, which this has affected. Quel pain! I’ve never had this problem in my life—but as aforementioned, I think, an online opthamologist friend says this does happen with cataract surgery, as a consequence of the surgery itself, and though the left eye is the stronger, visually, the accident in childhood with the ether just left it the more vulnerable. The problem is pretty well just above where the worst scarring on the eye itself is. So not unrelated, I think.

Still, of all things that could remotely go wrong, this one is fixable with a heated compress, and it’s getting there, so all’s well. Hopefully it’ll be all good by next week.