I don’t know whether its psychosomatic or what, but waked at 4:30 with the left eye puffy and painful…called the surgeon, which has been a process: took me from 7 am till about 11 to get hold of just the desk at the surgery center; and they’re going to have a look at it tomorrow morning early. Meanwhile eyedrops and compresses. It delivers a stabbing pain now and again sort of like having a contact lens stuck where it doesn’t belong, up under the lid. The optometrist saw it Friday, and said the pressure was good and all that, and couldn’t figure why it would hurt ever so often…

So, well, about 4:30 this morning it hurt worse—waked me up; and wouldn’t quit. Since I’ve gotten up and moved about (and blinked a lot) it’s backed off a bit. But this eye has had a nagging pain now and again ever since the surgery. And since 4:30 this morning it cuts in about every half hour for a few minutes, then quits.

So I went down to the courthouse and told the very reasonable people I have to beg off, so I am off. Since I am off and it is still hurting quite distractingly, I tend not to think it was psychosomatic…but I’ll be happier if the doc tomorrow can find something specific and get rid of the pain. It feels for all the world like an object lodged up somewhere in that nasty little hollow in the upper lid. I wonder if there’s something from the surgery that wandered where it shouldn’t have.

I did stop the meds last Wednesday, as completed, and if anything is going to get infected it now has a chance to be, so I figure I do need to have this looked at asap. If it’s just a nerve that got dinged that will eventually heal, all good: I’ll survive. But I do hope they can figure this out. My eyes are, like, majorly important.