Yesterday we leveled the floor in Jane’s bedroom. Two 50 lb bags of Quikrete leveling underlayment, and an ordinary power drill. Because we couldn’t use a 5 gallon bucket-type mixer, we divvied it into 5 pound lots with a kitchen scales, added 2 cups water, and mixed in a little bucket with a paint stirrer and our little regular drill. We got ‘er done.

I’m going to have the first cataract surgery on the 14th, so I have to do all the heavy lifting and exertion before then. Trying to get the house back in order. It’s getting to where I can’t distinguish pastel colors as well, and it’s like looking through a fog on the right eye–you know how it looks if you get oil in your eye, just kind of filmy. Real annoying. I can’t drive after dark because of the multiple refractions. The right eye is the worst. Really worst. And it was getting markedly worse last year. By this summer, when we found out about the shortened deadline for Convergence, it was profoundly worse and getting worser… By early November, I realized I should NOT drive after sundown. I can use the computer, I can see far off, but the reason I got the smart phone was that it was the only number pad I could cope with, something I could read. If this works, maybe I can go to a cheaper phone—though having it during the recent emergency was really helpful.

Two weeks!