…worse, it’s her mousing/gaming finger.

That’s how she puts it.

Poor thing was shifting rocks in the rockwork edging, and a big one came down on the end of her right index finger. Really smushed it bloody. She made it into the house, asked for help, just about to pass out. Ice, a sit-down, and some Excedrin (Tylenol combined with aspirin is what the web-meds say, which fits Excedrin Migraine, and just bandage and ice.

So that’s what she’s doing.

She was out there because she had just finished the days-long primary edit on Visitor, and I had just taken over to do the final pass…and smushed her finger, about equivalent to shutting it in a car door. There was blood, there are already bruises, and she is icing it and keeping up the Excedrin. She says it is much better now, but it’s a nasty, nasty whack.