Trying to help Jane in the garden in the early, early morning while it’s cool—I can’t spend all day parked in a chair, and I figure it will help my concentration to get a little stretch.

The Night Terror is such an odd duck…our half-Bengal. Cross him and he’ll slap you, and he’s a handful when he makes up his mind he wants to sit on your lap and you want to use the computer—he’ll hiss and slap and lash his tail—bad kitteh! Pet him wrong and he’ll nip and slap.

But at times he’ll surprise you with cooperation. He likes being outside if we’re there. He liked the cage for a while, but it’s boring and there are things he can’t get to. Like us. But…we got that figure 8 harness.

So this morning, on my way out, bleary-eyed with cuppa coffee, to help Jane, I found Shu at the door, doing his cheek-rub on the door frame, so positioned that he’ll be outa that door the instant it opens. So I get his harness, and the rascal purrs while I put it on, flops over to relax (cats’ chest areas are real hard to get to relax) so it’ll snap easily, and on with the harness with no fuss. Won’t walk out on his own…wants to be assured it’s safe. So I park the coffee cup and help him out. But once he spots Jane, he’s happy.

We got a bit done, and Shu just wandered around, trailing a long red (and soaked and dirty) leash that always advised us where he was. He’d generally prowl near us, but loved getting under the peonies, or investigating the smells of this and that. Absolutely happy to walk the paths near us. Time to go in, I carry him in, set him down, he stands while I unclip the one snap, and he’s happy as a clam at high tide.

Never had a cat take so happily to a leash. And this is the guy from the Reservation, in the woods. Weird cat, our Shu. But fun in his weird way.