I couldn’t find the big loppers, so I took after apple pruning with rose clippers and a Japanese-style pruning saw. I bled a bit — I have a very bad record with hand-saws: knuckles get in the way—but outside of dripping all over the project, I got all those suckers and am relatively undamaged. An espaliered (closely pruned 6-branch squished tree) apple requires careful pruning or it becomes round and bushes all over. What it should become is a bonsai’ed flat tree that produces full-sized apples.

I haven’t yet Preened the walkways or gotten after the leak in the pond—which is (I hope) merely the heavy gravel having squished the liner down too low there, and that can be fixed by digging it out and bracing it up.

Joe, the second waterfall is looking good. Now if only our lotus wintered over—that dastardly raccoon noshed on the pods and pulled it up, right before the freeze, when we really wanted to sink it in the big pond, but it was so muddy we feared it would just froth up and fall apart if we tried that. So it may have frozen…

But I made my first foray of the spring into the back yard.