They completely ignored our letter telling them the mobo and usb board had been replaced less than a week before, replaced those, and shipped it back.

It naturally has problems, one of which is that Norton disappeared: they shouldn’t have touched that.

So I called repair again. An hour and a half on the line with one fellow—turned up the problem as related to need to set the usbs that draw power NOT to turn off after 5 minutes. Eh?

And apparently ‘power surge’ doesn’t mean power surge, it means—check your usb settings.

THis would be a software/setup problem. We adjusted it.

I proceeded to download Norton.

And started to restore my files.

Blue screen of death re a, yes, a conflict error…forget the exact terminology, but things weren’t matching up as they should. I note my system clock is some 2 hours and some minutes OFF. I call Dell. Get a different repair person.

Who updates a bunch of drivers and resets the system clock.

We are now downloading my files from Carbonite back onto that computer, and the word from Carbonite is, don’t turn off your computer and b) expect this to take ‘a few days,’ unquote.

Jane has had a mucky day of her own. I am not having a good one. I tell you, if I didn’t know a new system without such issues is arriving in a little more than a week, I’d be vewy, vewy angwy just about now, to quote Mr. Elmer Fudd.

It’s remotely possible that this machine will rise from the dead and perform immaculately, but after all that to-do, they send it back with a screwed up system clock and a protective program uninstalled? Yeah. I strongly suggested they send around a USB memo to the repair people online AND to their center down in Houston. I thought that was moderately phrased.