You’d be surprised at the dustbunnies you find…

I thought there was only one way to arrange this room. Then I had a bit of an inspiration—at least to get a way to get to the upper left corner without edging sideways. And it went pretty easily. The bed is one of those Sleep Number sorts, which is real light, except the grippy bottom of the platform which requires the mattress to be moved off before it will scoot on carpet. But it did move. Two small wicker chests are now on either side. Two pieces are moved out, and I hate to get rid of them, but thus far, no way to use them. I’ll think about that.

Shu is concerned. He has his pathway he likes to walk. My own Sei is not that acrobatic, the silly lad. But I’m sure they will both explore.

I can tell the air is free of dust. That’s a good thing. And room to move without crawling over furniture—that’s good, too.

Our place is not real large. And that’s a good thing. A big house means you have whole rooms you don’t visit often. I assure you we visit ALL the rooms. Many times. But it also means what has a place had better be in it…and if it doesn’t have a place it needs to move. We still have some things to sort from 3 moves inside 7 years—you get stuff for a place, that fits that place, and then you go someplace where you need something else and that stuff doesn’t fit, and then you do it a third time—not to mention the business records, the library, the extra books, and the hobbies and “I can fix that’s” But now I have to put this room in good order, because, well, it’s that ‘place for everything’ idea…