It’s working. Those pounds we put on during the binge of pie, cookies, potatoes, chips, pasta, and other sins we committed between Jane’s birthday in October and sanity returning after New Year’s…? I’ve lost ’em all but 2. We’re not starving, either. Stirfries involving chicken, shrimp; porkchops—we dump dry Ranch Dressing powder on those before cooking, use the whole packet, both sides: pan-fry, covered, to be sure they’re done. Yum. That’s dinner for tonight, with broccoli, squash, brussel sprouts, whatever I’ve got in the bins. I just troll the veggie aisle and get what looks best. We tried Daikon Radish the other evening and decided a whole one is probably quite a lot of radish. Breakfast is homemade bread toasted with real butter and sugarfree jam—and we drop weight. Life is good. The book is making sense, Jane is working and happy, and the only thing driving me crazy is Sei, who has learned he can get attention by headbutting the corner of my laptop screen again and again and again when he wants food. If we fed these cats all they want they’d be blimps! ๐Ÿ˜‰