…there’ll be something in February, we’re pretty sure. Jane’s getting a book ready; Lynn is; I’m writing a short story, which should be done soon. We’ll tell you when.

We had a nice letter from Bookplace Cafe, and they sent us a nice congratulations on CC, which I’ve posted over there, along with a link, for more e-books. Sheesh, I used to play guitar, draw, catalog my photos, read, weave, and do my genealogy project, and nowadays I just work on manuscripts and skate when we take a break. I felt incredibly guilty taking the time for Nationals and kept telling myself I should be working on this and that.

But this is a phase. Once we get up and going, there will again be free time. Jane wants to dig up all the grass in half the front lawn this summer and install rocks. I say there will be free time. I can see that creative rock arrangement may play a part in it. I still have to get my rings repaired from the pond dig: one flattened considerably, from my grip on the Mantis tiller handle (when it hits hard stuff it jumps like a startled skunk!) and the other lost a small set and now snags everything: it’s a tiny garnet, so won’t be ruinous to fix. The other one, the pearl ring, just has to be heated and reshaped. I think next summer I am not wearing my rings while gardening.