Breakfast in the rain…

Of the many pleasures of our garden, the gentle NW spring days are one of the greatest. It rains…but this morning we threw towels onto the fabric seats of our patio set and had breakfast (softboiled egg in spaceman-with-helmet egg cup) on our flower plates with...

The wonderful rain suit…

Any of you who garden or work in the yard, pen, or camp in the woods, lakeshore, or beach—let me tell you the wonders of a two piece rain suit, which you can find in the hunter’s section of Walmart, Cabelo’s, or any such place. I wear a size 14,...

Today was Gardening Monday…

…and I ran the pond vac, which is a back-breaking sort of thing: you have to wait 20 seconds for it to void the collection chamber and come on again, and when it starts, the tip of the wand drops 2″, which can bring it down among pebbles (insta-clog!) or...

My cooking scale gets here Thursday…

It has a flat surface, a bowl, a tare weight compensation, and is not expensive. 😉 I am contemplating a rice cooker. It is the ONLY thing that would give me the patience to cope with brown rice.

the wonders of weight loss if you're female and hypothyroid.

I sat down with one of those WebMD diet calculation programs and ran what Jane and I eat, daily. It throws a snit fit if you don’t admit to a snack: wrong. We don’t. Period. So it made me say we have a fruit snack when we, in fact, have nada, zip, NOTHING....

the wonders of weight loss if you’re female and hypothyroid.

I sat down with one of those WebMD diet calculation programs and ran what Jane and I eat, daily. It throws a snit fit if you don’t admit to a snack: wrong. We don’t. Period. So it made me say we have a fruit snack when we, in fact, have nada, zip, NOTHING....

We are 10 members short of 900!

Yay us! And this is after I’ve booted a few spammers! We luvs our real members. And those of you who don’t comment often, do feel free—this is far from a closed club. This is a bright and lively group—civil, too!—and capable of solving...

Spokane drivers… ……strike again. This is a sidewalk and a busy one at that. These traffic cams cost about 300,000 each. Spokane is a city where if you are driving a truck...

Pardon us while we have a cry-fest…

It’s going to freeze tonight. Those of you who know what we’ve been doing, planting flowers and shrubs and the like, we are just floored. We got a huge tub and put the water hyacinth in it. We hauled in all the plants that aren’t in the ground....

re the graph: it's one of those erase/write periods..

I write and I erase the outline. We’re in a transitional scene, which is pretty well crossing maps, so there’s about as much put in as taken out, so that’s why the graph doesn’t advance appreciably. We are now into the main action of the book....

re the graph: it’s one of those erase/write periods..

I write and I erase the outline. We’re in a transitional scene, which is pretty well crossing maps, so there’s about as much put in as taken out, so that’s why the graph doesn’t advance appreciably. We are now into the main action of the book....