Getting very close to adding Chernevog and Yvgenie…

We only have to get the files copyrighted, and up. For those who’d like to know. there’s been a little change in Rusalka, a greater change in Chernevog, and a massive change in Yvgenie—in the latter, I’ve rewritten it line by line:...

Had a chance for a private reading of Jane's newest…

…and it’s beyond good. It’s really, really, really good. She’s taken a long hiatus from writing, with all the work that landed on her, and the health crisis (now solved) but she not only hasn’t dropped a stitch, she’s pent up a head...

Had a chance for a private reading of Jane’s newest…

…and it’s beyond good. It’s really, really, really good. She’s taken a long hiatus from writing, with all the work that landed on her, and the health crisis (now solved) but she not only hasn’t dropped a stitch, she’s pent up a head...

Worth checking out…

…a move apparently to rescue endangered sf, sort of a Project Gutenberg sort of thing. I approach such things with caution, but note that Project Gutenberg is far less likely to pick up something like Prince of Scorpio or many of the oddments of our field....

More good news…

The other thing that is going really well is the Chernevog imminent release and the Yvgenie edit—I may finish that before Monday. These are the Russian novels. And they had so much baggage—back in the day. I’m not going to describe the wretched...

I shall finish the new book today…

One weaves one’s own life into a book, and this one, begun in 2010, has all Jane’s illness in it, the loss of both our kittehs, and her recovery, and the arrival of Eushu and Seishi, who are so very different. It has been a year of struggle, of exhaustion,...

Allergies and air filters that work…

We have yet to have the Cedar Pollination Event, but the molds are waking up—we’ve got the air purifiers working full tilt, and those are the difference between falling on our noses asleep from allergies (one of those medically unrecognized symptoms, but a...

Jane's blog is now Harmonies of the Net.

Jane’s ‘The Captain and Lime’ has changed addys and changed its name.   You need to update your bookmarks. The new addy is:……….wait for it. The original post abhors links….

Jane’s blog is now Harmonies of the Net.

Jane’s ‘The Captain and Lime’ has changed addys and changed its name.   You need to update your bookmarks. The new addy is:……….wait for it. The original post abhors links….

Jane's been tinkering with WWAS—

Getting a more readable headline font. She was going to work today. Then her new computer came. I’ll let her tell you the wonderfulness of it. This is for the one of us that uses the art programs. I’ll slog along with my old faithful Latitude…not...

Jane’s been tinkering with WWAS—

Getting a more readable headline font. She was going to work today. Then her new computer came. I’ll let her tell you the wonderfulness of it. This is for the one of us that uses the art programs. I’ll slog along with my old faithful Latitude…not...